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assault carrier (可以發動空降突擊或提供空中支援的)航空母艦。

assault troops

A good mix is key , so make sure to have some seekers in their for anti - air and stealth detection , if he making infantry , gun walkers ( especially phase fielded ) are a great idea , plenty of tripods , and a nice mix of air units , such as devastator warships , planetary assault carriers , and sometimes the speed , armor , and decent damage of the stormrider is nice to have 一個好的混編是關鍵,所以確保你的部隊有一些搜索者來對空和探隱,如果對方有很多步兵,步行者(特別是相場)是好的選擇,大量的三腳,以及一只很好混編的空軍,比如毀滅戰艦,行星突擊母艦,有時候擁有速度,裝甲和火力的風暴騎士也是上選。

That how to solve these questions effectively , rearrange the resources more suitably , build assault carrier , enhance the development of medical enterprises , and improve the competition of the enterprises are the tasks for tonghua medical enterprises , local government and main control section of this industry to consider and study 如何解決好這些問題,進一步整合資源、打造航母,加快醫藥企業發展、提升企業競爭力,是通化醫藥企業、地方政府及行業主管部門正在思考研究的課題。

If you have the money to upgrade your air even further , get a signal transmitter and begin to build planetary assault carriers 如果你不愁錢,可以建造信號產生器來出行星突擊航母。